Sep 19, 2009

Celebration Dinner!

To celebrate an extra good week at work, Brian took me out for a nice dinner! We went to a steakhouse in our neighborhood called Surf and Turf. Though initially deterred by the cheesy name, the excellent Google rating encouraged us to test the joint. It was a chilly evening, so we bundled up and enjoyed a brisk walk through the city. The restaurant was beautiful, and the steaks were delicious! It was our first fancy dinner since we've arrived, and we really enjoyed it.

Surf and Turf

I was sitting right next to the spiral stairs to the basement, and Brian kept worrying that I would fall down them. It crossed my mind a couple of times to fake a big fall, just to freak him out. I don't think the Germans we were sitting next to would have found it funny, though.

Ich bin satt!


  1. Congratulations on your promotion! Wish we could celebrate with you...many when we come to visit.

  2. Congrats!! Your hair is getting SO long! I love it!

  3. Your hair has gotten so long!!! It looks really cute. :) Oh Brian - I'm talking about Kim's hair.

    I vote fake the big fall next time.
